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How to Use a Daily Devotional

1. Prepare. While the Council Fire daily devotional is a handy size that you can carry and read anywhere-and some days you may do that-we suggest you make it part of a special time... — Updated 5/13/2024

 By Jody Dickson    Features

Activity Page

This particular art is based on Psalm 1. Art is a way for me to worship our Creator. He created this world for us to enjoy. I believe He is honored when we worship Him with our time, talents, and treasures. I was inspired to draw... — Updated 5/17/2023


Do you know the answer?

Ask a relative or a friend these questions just to see what they say. When you know the right answer, see if you can explain what the thing is or what it’s used for. 1. Can you name a game Indigenous peoples invented? video g... — Updated 6/23/2022


Find 10 Differences

Find 10 Differences... — Updated 6/23/2022


Rock Your Mocs this Month!

Rock Your Mocs is a Native American and Indigenous people's movement held annually during November, which is also National Native American Heritage Month in the U.S. Participants wear moccasins throughout the day to show unity... — Updated 11/23/2021


Can you find the tribes-solution

Here is your solution to the CAN YOU FIND THE TRIBES word puzzle!... — Updated 11/23/2021



More than 1.6 million people in Canada are Indigenous. We've listed some of the tribes these people come from. Can you find each tribe in the block of letters below. You might find them backwards, forwards, up, down, or even at an... — Updated 11/22/2021

 By Crying Wind    Features

What Did You Say?

Recently Roger, a man I'd only known a short time, told me his father had passed away and he needed to go through his father's things and empty the house so he could sell it. He'd... — Updated 4/9/2020


Your Health

Movie enthusiasts might remember the riveting role of the silent Indian "Chief Bromden" played by the late actor, Will Sampson, a 6-foot-7-inch, full-blooded Creek Indian. The... — Updated 4/9/2020


The Secret of the Joy Jar

I plunged my hands in soapy dishwater and went into automatic pilot as usual when washing dishes: Stare through the dirty window above the kitchen sink, wash a glass, rinse it off,... — Updated 4/9/2020


The Prophecy of an Indian Chief

Along the eastern shore of Lake Winnipeg is a community of people of mixed nationality. At one time they knew nothing of the true gospel, nor had they any knowledge whatever of the... — Updated 4/9/2020


Your Health

The weather outside may be frightful, but taking care of your health is still insightful! Here are some tips for keeping in shape during these cold winter months. 1. Plan exercise... — Updated 4/8/2020


Tips for the Holiday

Holidays can be stressful as we often see people we don't necessarily feel good will toward! How can we make our relationships over the holidays-and at every get together-a little... — Updated 4/8/2020

 By Jean Davis    Features

Your Health

Best-selling author Mark Hyman, M.D., is a family physician who founded the Ultra Wellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. In an interview about his book, The Blood Sugar Solution,... — Updated 4/7/2020


Real-Life Relationships

My husband poked his fork in the lone casserole gracing the table. "How about a few side items with dinner sometime?" His words seemed harmless. Combine a couple of words and a cute... — Updated 4/7/2020

 By Jake Goodrick    Features

Played among livestock, medicinal plants, 'rez golf' builds community among Navajo

LOW MOUNTAIN, Ariz.-On a late-September morning deep within the Navajo Nation, Larron Badoni practiced his golf swing. Sun blanketed the plateaus and mesas surrounding the Lowervill... — Updated 2/1/2019


MFA Boston receives gift of Native American art from estate of David Rockefeller

BOSTON, Mass-The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), has announced the gift of the estate of David Rockefeller from the Collection of David and Peggy Rockefeller-an acquisition... — Updated 11/24/2018

 By Carrie Daws    Features

The Amazing Thing about Ordinary

Most people older than ten have faced some sort of tragedy. Some of us experienced horror younger than that. A car accident or house fire The death of a loved one Parental divorce... — Updated 7/15/2017

 By K.B. Schaller    Features

Joy (Foster) Harjo (b. 1951)

"Joy Harjo...transforms personal and collective bitterness to beauty, fragmentation to wholeness, and trauma to healing." -Alicia Ostiker, Chancellor, Academy of American Poets Mult... — Updated 7/15/2017


Fear Nothing

You who sit down in the Creator's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow, Say this: "Creator God, You're my refuge. I trust in You and I'm safe!" That's right-He rescues you... — Updated 7/15/2017


I loved a girl

Here begins the private correspondence between two young people and their pastor, which make up a bestselling book translated into 70 languages. Here are the first three letters...... — Updated 7/15/2017


Special guests pay Indian Life a visit

Recently, World Team's Marco Schuurman, and Ipomadi, the "Grandman" of the Wayana Tribe visited our Indian Life office in Winnipeg. Marco shared about the work in Suriname and Frenc... — Updated 7/15/2017


Positive proof of love and appreciation

ALBUQUERQUE, NM-The date was April 29, 2017; the venue was the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. The event? The Retirement/Farewell Party for Rev. Dr. Julian and... — Updated 7/15/2017


Beadwork: An Indigenous art form

North American Native Beadwork is an art form which evolved to mostly use glass beads imported from Europe and recently Asia. Glass beads have been in use for almost 500 years in... — Updated 5/12/2017


Ideas for a fun-filled, inspiring summer

Summer is fast approaching and with it come fun activities and events as well as opportunities for service. There are Native day camps, week-long camps, jamborees, powwows, etc.... — Updated 5/12/2017


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