
During the month of September I spent a week in McAllen, Texas. I had the joy of sharing the Good News of Jesus with a few people and also spent some time handing out invites for special outreach activities. As I went about visiting, sometimes door to door, I met a lot of very friendly people.

I noticed that many of the doors had a sign hanging, with one word on it. Sometimes the same word was displayed on a mat in front of the door. Can you guess what it was? Yes, the word is “Welcome”. When you hear this word or read it on a sign, it often gives you comfort, security and assurance. There is nothing better than knowing you are wanted! When we know we are wanted, we are free from fear and also have a sense of purpose.

As I visited with people and enjoyed their thankfulness, I wondered if everyone was “really welcome” in their home. I wondered what they would do with the Lord Jesus Christ. Was He welcome in their home?

Yes, it was typical to see pictures of Him on walls or people wearing crosses around their necks, but God isn’t looking for that kind of a welcome concerning His beloved Son. God desires for you to acknowledge Jesus Christ as personal Savior in your life. Welcoming Jesus by faith into your life means that you have had a moment of recognizing your sinfulness and putting your faith in Him alone to save you. Save you from what? The punishment that sin deserves is eternal death, separation from God forever (Romans 6:23).

Not only do we need to be saved from eternal punishment but we also need to be saved from the control of sin in our lives. Without Christ, sin gets us into trouble, gives no lasting peace and incurs God’s wrath (James 1:15).

When a person welcomes Christ into their life, this means that they have accepted His Word to be true, and have a new desire to obey it (Second Corinthians 5:17). In fact, knowing Christ as your own personal Savior means that all of your desires will become new; the sinful things that you once loved will not have the same control over you as you learn to trust God and obey Him.

God cannot welcome us into His Heaven according to our own rules. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no person can come unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). Christ paid for your sins in His own body on the cross of Calvary. His death and resurrection require a response from you.

Will you welcome Him and receive eternal life, or will you reject Him (First John 2:23)? He waits for sinners with repentant hearts. His arms are open wide; He desires to take away your fear, guilt and shame and replace these things with eternal security and purpose.

Heaven was made for you and the Lord Jesus holds a big “welcome sign” for people of all races and culture ( Matthew 11:28). Will you come God’s way?

Becky Kew can be reached at Beckykew@hotmail.com for comments or questions.