Native Cooking

Akutasquash Soup

This Abenaki food writer Dale Carson's recipe from her New Native American Cooking (Random House, 1996). The majority of the food words in the book are in the Wampanoag language. The Wampanoag are often referred to as the "Thanksgiving Indians." The "good to eat" squash here is the yummy and readily available butternut.

1 medium onion

2 tbsp. butter

1 large butternut squash, seeded, roasted and scrapped from skin

2 cups or more chicken stock

1 cup sweet apple cider (my note: that's the murky looking stuff)

1 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. curry powder

Salt and fresh black pepper to taste

2 tbsp. heavy cream, optional

Sour Cream and/or Dill sprig

1. In a saute pan over medium low heat, sweat the onion in the butter until translucent.

2. Combine the squash, sauteed onions, and 1/2 cup of the stock in the bowl of a food processor or blender. Puree, adding more stock as needed. The puree shouldn't be very thick.

3. Pour squash puree into a large saucepan and stir in remaining stock, cider and seasonings. Heat. Add the cream, if using and just heat through.

To Serve: Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with a dollop of sour cream or a sprig of fresh dill.

Serves 4 to 6

You can easily make this soup vegetarian or even vegan, by using vegetable stock or water and omitting the dairy.

You can vary the spices. Native allspice is nice!

You alter it to make it with whatever winter squash you have.

Add favorite chopped herbs while cooking.

Dale Carson, an Abenaki Indian, is the author of the cookbook, Native American Cooking.