The Council Speaks

Q: I am a 42-year-old mother and my daughter told me she "loves to get high." What can I possibly say to her to make her realize I love her and desire what is best for her? How do I pray for her?

I have a son who has been battling with addictions since he was a teenager. I've heard him say that a couple of times. "I love drugs and alcohol."  

We love our son very much and totally at a loss to say or do anything. If we tried, he would sarcastically say, "I know! You don't have to tell me that."

So, I prayed and asked God to help me know what to do. Reading my devotions I came across a statement. "In order to help someone you need to first be a good example and love that person."

You don't need to say anything but give him or her to the Lord and He will change them. 

Today, our son is in a treatment center, a step he didn't think he needed to do. It's been only three weeks but I continue to pray for him and ask others to pray as well. 

Some Bible verses that have helped: Ephesians 5: 1-5. Titus 2:7, Philippians 3:17

-Chris Quequish

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83 Henderson Highway, Winnipeg, MB R2L 1L2