Native Cooking

Dear Friends Nidobak,

Seasons are changing again, they keep doing that! I have to say that fall is my favorite. Spring gives us the pink, yellow, white and purple lovely flowers, but fall's blaze is red, orange, deeper yellows and is more intense than spring. Such variety that I don't know how nature keeps it straight! The colorful produce starts with corn in many colors, we have red tomatoes, squash in all shades of yellow and orange, greens and even purples. Growing seasons vary, so most fruits and vegetables finish their cycles in time for harvest in early through late fall. I admit that I cannot zero in on any one favorite recipe so I hope you understand if I give you a couple, both taste-worthy.

High Plains Pudding

2 cups fresh chokecherries (frozen or dried ok)

3-4 cups water

1 cup honey (or to taste)

1/4 cup flour

Combine chokecherries with water in a saucepan on medium heat until they soften. Sweeten to taste with honey. In a small bowl combine flour with enough water to make a creamy mix. Stir this mix slowly into the fruit mixture and heat until thickened. I'd also suggest trying this recipe with fresh cranberries! To vary it, substitute orange juice for water with the flour.

Easy Warming Chowda

3 lbs. potatoes, washed, cubed, skin on

1 qt. chicken broth

1 lg. onion chopped

1 stalk celery, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley

1 teaspoon ground cumin

3 strips of bacon, cooked and drained

2 tablespoons or more flour to thicken broth

3 ears of corn, stripped of kernels

1 14 ounce can creamed corn

1/2 medium butternut squash, peeled, cubed

Sauté the onion and celery in a heavy saucepan. Drain and add corn to onion and celery to give all a roasted flavor. Add broth slowly plus a cup or so of water. Cook potatoes and squash until soft, about 30 minutes. Turn off heat and add the creamed corn, parsley, flour, crumbled bacon, cumin, salt and pepper to taste. Stir to blend and reheat before serving. Do not let it boil. Serve with crusty bread.

Dale Carson, an Abenaki Indian, captures the growing interest in native cuisine, bringing her heritage to your table.