Letters from Our Readers


I’m serving life in prison. Although I do have family left, as well as some hope in the courts (blessings not taken for granted), it still gets to be an emotional uncertainty as far as the future goes. At times, I walk a dark and lonely path.

I find strength and peace in the presence of God. Also, I truly enjoy reading the Indian Life news. I can relate to many of the stories. Though I’m white, and from many miles away, the personal stories hit close to home.

The uplifting words from your correspondent Rilla Unger, and my family have become a guiding light.

—K.K., Florida


I love all your stories that you have in your newspaper like “Healing the Heart.” For every story touches on something special. I am enjoying all my issues that I have been getting so far and I hope I keep getting them every time you send them to me.

—A.C., Ohio


I will be here [in prison] at least another six months then God will allow twelve people to pretend to decide my fate while He fine tunes the 16 years of training He has put me through in preparation for a new life in the ministry for Him. Life as an artist and writer does appear to be at least part of how God will use me.

Presently a group called Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos is compiling all my poetry, prayers, and short stories along with my drawings and most recent paintings into a textbook to be used as a method of teaching spiritual traditions and history to young people in various juvenile facilities across the country in the U.S.A.

—G.R.D., California

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