Hidden Harley

Have you ever haggled at yard sales? Do you find yourself saying, "Hey! Those cassette tapes...would you take $3 for the whole lot?" If so, you are cheap my friend.

I know a guy who spends Saturdays comparison shopping at yard sales. He says, "I saw that same Barry Manilow record at Bob's place for 25 cents. Can you beat that? And what's your return policy?" I'll tell you my return policy. If he returns to my yard sale I will snap a Barry Manilow record over his head.

I never appreciated yard sales until I found a painting at one. I bought it for the full asking price of ten bucks, knowing it resembled something from that great painter, Michael Picasso. I was so excited. A friend who knows all about art was excited too when I showed him. "You paid ten bucks," he said. "You got taken. This is a really bad High School art project."

Bob was used to overpaying at yard sales too. One Saturday his neighbors were selling off their excess stuff, so he walked over and started sifting through the junk. Stuff he'd never use. Then something caught his eye. It was partially hidden under a table cloth, but the shape was unmistakable. A motorcycle. A Harley-Davidson.

"Is the bike for sale?" he asked his neighbor.

The man shrugged. "I don't see why not. But that bike hasn't run since I've had it." Bob nodded. "How much do you want for it?"

"How's does 35 bucks sound?"

They shook hands and Bob took it home. The Harley needed some work, so he called Harley-Davidson to see what it would cost for parts. The dealer asked for the serial number and Bob gave it to him.

Bob was put on hold, but soon the parts man was back on the line. He sounded different. More engaged. "Listen, Bob, could you take the seat off your bike and see if anything is written underneath?"

Bob wondered what this was all about. But he did as he was told, and returned to the phone. "Yes," he said, "it does have something written there. It says, 'THE KING.'

There was silence.

"Bob, my boss has authorized me to offer you $300,000 for the bike, payable to you immediately. Do we have a deal?"

Bob was stunned. "I-I'll have to think about it," he stammered, and hung up. His hands were shaking. You see, the bike Bob had redeemed from the scrap pile had been owned by "The King," Elvis Presley. After all those years of seeking "The Big Find," Bob found it. But he hadn't even recognized what he had. The value of the motorcycle, of course, wasn't in the metal or the parts. It didn't even run! It was all tied to the fact that it had been owned by "the King."

I don't know if this is a true story, but it demonstrates something that should put a smile on your face that won't go away. You are worth more than any Harley. How do I know? Because First John 3:1 says, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"

You are valuable because God made you in His image, and loved you enough to die for you. Dust yourself off today and you'll find He has written His name on your heart. The King of Kings.

You are not some accident. You weren't produced on an assembly line. You are planned, gifted and loved-worth more than a Harley...or any Barry Manilow record.

Phil Callaway is the best-selling author of Tricks My Dog Taught Me and host of Laugh Again Radio. Check it out at philcallaway.com

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