Who is Creator to you? Rae Evans first heard about Creator when she was a child. While at a camp meeting in Oregon, she learned about Jesus. But for most of her childhood and teens, her faith was not very important to her. Then one day her neighbor told her about Jesus and how He could change Rae’s life. Before long, Rae asked Jesus to take control of her life.

In the years that followed, through the prayers of friends and a pastor, Jesus became so real to Rae that she found she didn’t need anything else. What does Jesus mean to you? Would you like to know Him in a personal way? Here’s how to ask Jesus into your life:

• Tell God that you want to accept His way to know true peace and joy.

• Tell Him that you know that without His help, you understand that you will be separated from God in life and death.

• Accept Jesus as God’s only provision to deal with your separation from Him.

• Invite Jesus, God’s Son, to take control of your life and place you in His care.

Pray this Prayer (or put it in your words)

Dear God, I accept Your way. I believe Your Son Jesus died for my sins so I can become part of the family of God. Because You raised Jesus from the dead, I can experience Harmony of Life with Your Son as my Shepherd. I’m sorry and turn from my sins and ask You, God, to take charge of my life. I ask your Holy Spirit to come and fill me now with Your presence and power that I will live each day walking on Your Path. I offer this prayer to You through Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

If you have prayed the above prayer, we would like to hear from you. Write to us and mail it to (In the U.S.) Indian Life Ministries, P.O. Box 32, Pembina, ND 58271; (In Canada) Indian Life Ministries, P.O. Box 3765, Redwood Post Office, Winnipeg, MB R2W 3R6. We will send you some helpful information on how to walk the Creator’s Path.

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