Sex trafficking finds a home in US oilfields

A literally unholy alliance composed of the loony left and some right-leaning libertarians has been peddling the idea that prostitution is a "victimless" crime. Willing seller and willing buyer and it's no business of ours, so stop enforcing vice laws.

Except that's not the case at all.

Young runaways are being forced into prostitution by evil human traffickers. A current hotbed for sex trafficking is North Dakota, where the oil drilling boom has attracted hordes of young and not-so-young men who aren't particular about who participates in their good times.

Windie Lazenko is a former runaway who escaped abuse at home, only to experience commercial abuse on the road when she was sold for sex at age 13. That began two decades of abuse and exploitation, before she found the strength to escape.

Free at last, Windie became a Christian and began working with young girls that were on the edge, just as she had been. According to The Associated Press, "She began hearing about young women being recruited for prostitution in the Bakken oilfields. She wanted to help."

Lazenko founded 4her North Dakota. She told CNBC that trafficking has become an "infestation" in the Bakken oil region and her organization is raising funds for a shelter to give sex slaves a refuge.

The phenomenon is nationwide and even though oil prices have slowed the boom in North Dakota, Lazenko isn't moving. "Right now we're going to remain with our focus on North Dakota because we don't know if this dip in the oil prices is going to stick and so we don't want to make any rush decisions."

Windie has earned the respect of the exploited and law enforcement. AP notes, "U.S. attorney Tim Purdon . . . calls Lazenko "the real deal" and says she's made a huge difference in tackling sex trafficking. He notes that she provided critical emotional support to a woman whose testimony was essential in taking down a man who later pleaded guilty to enticing two women to travel to North Dakota to work as prostitutes."

If her efforts are successful, Windie will establish a 30-day emergency shelter exclusively for victims of trafficking. Her goal is to reveal to the victims that there is a way out. She told AP, "I tell them that they were created for more than this, that they have value and talents and they deserve a better life. There's hope, there's hope. It's just a reminder for me too, that even on the bad days, there is hope."

Windie Lazenko has walked more than a mile in the shoes of the victims of sex trafficking. She is making a difference now and God bless her.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on

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