Native Cooking

Taking Advantage of Popular Farm Stands

Dear Friends (Nidobak),

This summer has been very lush and beautiful as a growing season, all the trees even seem taller and fuller. Farm stands are growing in popularity which means people are a bit wiser about eating local grown nutrition instead of a lot of processed additive-added store-bought food.

With garden produce at its height about now, I hope you have tons of beans, tomatoes and squash to prepare for yourselves, family and to freeze for winter.

This recipe is a great one for those summer squash, peppers and herbs you’ve grown.


1 medium/large zucchini

1 medium/large yellow summer squash

1 red bell pepper

1/2 sweet vidalia onion, chopped

1/2 medium jicama

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, or 2 teaspoons fresh oregano

1/2 teaspoon cumin

Salt & Pepper to taste

3 tablespoons good quality olive oil or corn oil

Cut all the vegetables into strips about 1/2-inch wide. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok and cook all the vegetables together, stirring and tossing frequently until they are crisp, yet tender. Add the cumin, oregano, salt and pepper. Remove to a serving plate and enjoy the compliments.

**Note: Add leftover sausage, beef strips, chicken, to extend.