A Way Through the Pain

Series: Directors Corner | Story 10

From July 17 to 21, Todd and Krystal, the ILM director team, had planned to travel some distance to help facilitate a Vacation Bible School.

Two weeks before the event both Todd and Krystal started to feel unsettled about attending. This feeling didn't make sense, though. Details were solidified. The event had been advertised locally. A team of volunteers had booked the time to attend. And most importantly, the children knew they were coming.

So why, two weeks prior to the start date, did they both have independent leadings from the Lord that they needed to bow out from attending? Neither felt comfortable in cancelling the appointment, but when they came together to discuss the event, they were surprised to learn they each were experiencing the same promptings.

After the two spent time in prayer together, Krystal contacted the VBS leader, Karen, and shared the news. It didn't make sense, but Karen and Krystal both agreed to trust the Lord and move forward.

A few days later, Karen heard from the local couple who had asked to have the VBS hosted. The location was no longer available, and the dates needed to be rescheduled!

But this was not all. A few days before the director team had planned to leave, Krystal's health rapidly deteriorated. She didn't know it at the time, but she would be immobile and confined to her bed for two weeks!

Sciatica was the cause. For those who do not know what this is, well, bless you. Krystal prays you never find out! In her non-medical terms, she describes it as a disc in her lower back that herniated and was being pinched by her spine. It caused excruciating pain down her hip, thigh, calf and foot. Two physically distressing weeks passed before the pain started to get better. Very slowly, she was able to walk again . . . and to think straight too. 

Krystal shares:

I remember being in such pain. No position rendered me pain free. And no medication took it away. It was awful. I couldn't help but focus on the pain. The more I focused on it, the more intense it seemed to get. I felt like my mind was running in circles.

And then in a moment an image flashed before my eyes. A man was stepping out of a boat, attempting to walk on water. I remembered the story of Jesus calling Peter to step out of his boat and walk towards Him, on the stormy waters.

In the Bible, in the book of Matthew, chapter 14, verses 22–33, you can read one account. As Peter kept his gaze focused on Jesus, he stayed above the water. But as soon as he turned his attention to the waves, and saw their size and threat, he started to sink.

This got me thinking about my pain. As I focused on the pain, it seemed to get worse. So I decided I would focus on Jesus. I would pray. I would read scripture out loud-sometimes loudly, sometimes through clenched teeth, and oftentimes through tears, but I would read.

The pain didn't necessarily go away, but it became somehow more bearable. I could walk through the waves, I could eventually sleep.

Krystal has special words of hope for those going through physical and emotional paid. "Friends, may I encourage you to turn your eyes upon Jesus. He won't necessarily make the storms in your life disappear, but He can make them more bearable. Jesus does not promise your walk to be pain free and without tribulation, but He does promise to be with you as you walk."

Bless you dear friends.

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