What's up with ILM?

Series: Whats Up with ILM | Story 5

Todd and Krystal, our director team, are looking forward to helping facilitate the Bighorn Vacation Bible School (VBS) in Bighorn, Alb., July 17–21. The theme is "Jesus is the Greatest Chief!"

Two dedicated believers, Wacey and Violet, have graciously opened their land for the event in the Bighorn Community, and a leader named Tyson will teach the children.

We are so excited to assist in this outreach! When we are able to reach children of a family for Jesus, this often leads to an opportunity to share God's mercy, grace, and salvation with a whole family (and their neighbors!). The Bighorn area has a lot of potential to reach people for the Lord and make a difference in this community!

Please praise the Lord with us for this opportunity, and besides praying for our director team, please pray for:

• All the volunteers . . . from people who prepare snacks to those who lead the music, art and teaching. Every aspect of VBS is vital. 

• Please pray for the children who will be attending. Please pray specifically for their young hearts to be receptive to the message of Jesus Christ.

• Please pray for the families in the area. Please ask the Lord to work in parents' lives so they will let the children join the event.

• Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to reach into and minister to the families of the children who attend, even after the VBS is over.

Your prayers make a difference in these young lives and in this community!