The Eensy-Weensy Spider

About a month ago, we had the joy of witnessing believer's baptism. A young man from Sandy Bay First Nation wanted to obey the Lord and identify with his Savior's death and resurrection by being immersed into water, as the scriptures teach.

Since it is winter, the lake wasn't available, and we didn't have a bathtub of any sort. In situations like this, we use a large animal trough that a water truck fills, since we are not on a waterline.

A couple of days before the baptism, I arranged for the water man from the reservation to come. When he got there, he brought the large, heavy hose that was connected to his truck into the building and asked me to hold it still as it rested on the edge of the trough.

I braced myself as I held the hose and waited for the water to gush out. As it began to trickle, the bottom of the trough was slowly getting covered. At that point, I noticed a huge spider in frantic mode. As the water began to come towards him in one direction, he would turn and scurry in the other direction only to find that the water was rolling in from the other way too.

I felt sorry for the little guy as I watched him do at least three U-turns trying to escape the water that was now pouring in pretty fast. I couldn't let go of the hose, I didn't want the water to go anywhere but inside the tank!

Suddenly, the very cold water overtook him as it swirled and gushed, slowly filling up the tank. I lost track of the little guy and believe it or not, I prayed for him!

A couple of minutes later, I had all of the water I needed and yelled at the water guy; he shut the water off and pulled his hose back out of the building.

Immediately, I began to scan the surface of the water for the spider, which I thought would be impossible to find. After a few minutes of searching, I saw this huddled little ball, with his legs tucked up under him. The water was freezing cold as I scooped him up and set him down on the cement floor.

I certainly wasn't expecting him to move. However, slowly but surely, his legs unfolded and he just kind of stood there as if he were in shock! I wished him well as he eventually crawled away. I felt totally elated for this little guy, and I thanked God as I got busy again preparing for the baptism.

This whole story may sound crazy to you, but as I thought about the plight of the spider and his certain death if I hadn't scooped him up and saved him. I was reminded about the disciple Peter. In Matthew 12, Peter was in the same situation as the spider.

Jesus's disciples were in a boat, traveling to the other side of the sea when Jesus came walking up to them on the water. Peter wanted to walk on the water, too, and the Lord invited him to join Him. I can imagine him being frantic as he got his eyes off of the Lord Jesus and looked at the boisterous waves and panicked. He was overcome and would have sunk. He cried, "Lord save me" and the Lord Jesus's strong hand reached him and scooped him up to safety.

Do you feel like the boisterous waves of life are about to overcome you? Maybe the fear, grief, shame and guilt you carry has brought you to your knees. There is one who knows and understands and says, "Come to me all of you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

He has been where you are, except He had no sin of His own. He carried our guilt at the cross and bore our judgment so we could be free and have real peace with God.

In the scriptures we read about a man who said, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I" (Psalm 62:2). The psalmist who said this needed a place of particular care and safety; a place of refuge that he didn't have the strength to provide for himself. Nor could anyone else save him.

My friend, that "Rock" is the Lord Jesus. He is a shelter in the time of storm.

First, He is the only one who can shelter you from the judgement of God for your sins. Second, He is the only one who can give you the strength and comfort that you need for your life right now-strength the world cannot give.

We are just as helpless as the spider in my water tank. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6). Is the Lord Jesus Christ your Savior? Do you trust in His work alone at the cross to bring you to Heaven?

All you have to do is cry, "Lord save me!" just as Peter did (Matthew 14:30). Remember to look to Jesus and not at the waves. He says, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:22). He is faithful; He is stronger than the waves, and He will see you through. Underneath you are His everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27).

Becky Kew shares good news at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. BeckyKew@

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