ILM offers powerful new book by Bill Jackson

CHESTERMERE, Alb.-Indian Life Ministries is excited to announce a new book in their line-up: Stories from the North, by Bill Jackson.

"Bill told us that any time he entertained people at his home, he always asked for stories and asked if it was okay if these stories were someday shared in a book," says Krystal Wawrzyniack of the Indian Life Ministries director team. "He knew this could be the last time he saw these people, and wanted to make sure he heard their stories. I found this a unique way to get to know people and learn about them."

"His way of love and life is so encouraging. He fiercely loves his family and seeks to honor his dear wife, Shirley," Wawrzyniak adds. "We're excited to get to offer his newest book, because it's about story. Peoples' stories. What makes up who they are and how the Lord has worked in their lives. The book shows the unique, humorous and sometimes personally exasperating-the various situations people found themselves in and the unbelievable ways the Lord worked through them."

Jackson has not only heard many good stories through the years, he has lived a few remarkable ones himself. In this book, Jackson recounts stories of adventure on the trapline, danger from wildlife and wildfires, challenges in travelling bush roads and crossing muskeg on horseback, getting lost, finding romance, and even surviving a plane crash.

A Cree, Bill Jackson has lived his life in Alberta's northeastern lake region and has spent time in much of Canada's other northern areas. He has served as a missionary, pastor, Bible teacher, radio and TV speaker, and author. Bill was a founding director of the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and is a favorite host and guest on Tribal Trails TV.

You can get your copy of Bill's book through Indian Life Ministries. (See p. 19 to order).