Destruction of the Shrew

I had a little creature roaming around in my bedroom. The noise he made at night was very unnerving. It was amazing that so much noise could come from such a little creature. I prayed that whatever type of creature it was, he wouldn't come up on my bed while I was sleeping. Unfortunately, soon he began his ruckus during the day as well.

One time when I was reading on my bed, much to my surprise, the little creature ran out from under my box spring! I froze in terror as I watched him invade my shoes and scurry all over my floor. For three days following this first encounter, he would pop out from under my bed and check out every corner of my room, right before my eyes!

He was bold, fast and had no fear as he roamed about, dabbling in and around my belongings.

This little shrew had no idea I was nervously watching him. (From on top of my bed of course.) I set a trap for him, and it almost seemed like he was playing around. He would actually sit right on the trap and eat the peanut butter and cheese, oblivious to his unpleasant pending fate. He certainly was living on the edge.

I watched the little shrew do this over and over again, each time it seemed like he was lingering longer and longer on my trap, just pushing it to the limit. Finally, after three days, he was caught, and I was thankful!

This little shrew reminded me so much of the power sin has over us. We are attracted to having our own way and doing as we please. We like to push things to the limit, when actually we are teetering on destruction (John 8:34).

Naturally, each of us thinks we are fine, and we aren't as bad as the next person. So we continue to dabble here and there, finding short-lived pleasure through the various amusements and entertainments people are habitually attracted to. ("It feels right." "Everyone else is doing it." "It's my life-I can do what I want.")

Deep down, we know these things don't really satisfy. The Bible says if you think you are standing, be careful and watch out because you will fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). God's Word also says that there is a way that seems right to a person, but the end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12).

The payment for sin is eternal death-separation from God forever. We have earned this payment because we choose to think and act outside of God's Word. Our debt is piling up and is dangerously pending against each one of us. It's only a matter of time until death will catch up to us. God does not want to trap any of us; our sin does that all on its own. God does want to save us from our sin! The Bible says that the, "Lord Jesus came to seek and to save sinners" (Luke 19:10).

You may say, "I am not hurting anyone."

This isn't true! You are hurting God! Our sinful choices always affect others as well. God is grieved by our rebellion of His Word because He didn't create us to live separate from Him. He is not willing that anyone dies in their sins, but He wants people to come to the acknowledgment of the truth and be saved from destruction (1Timothy 2:4).

He seeks continually for those who are tired of their sin and who are willing to put their trust in Him. He promises eternal life forever for the person who will take the Lord Jesus as his or her Savior. This eternal life begins the moment you believe in the Lord Jesus as your Savior and enter a relationship with Him.

Only the Lord Jesus can give you true peace for your soul. He wants to give you real satisfaction that will last for the rest of your life and throughout eternity. His love can break the control that sin has over you, He can give every person who comes to Him new desires, because He can change any person from the inside out (2 Corinthians 5:17).

It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done! What does matter is that God loves you, and wants to come into your life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to be willing to admit your need and believe that the Lord Jesus took your judgment at the cross.

Are you tired of enjoying the pleasures of sin, which only last for a season? Come to the Savior; He will not disappoint you. He will not turn you away! "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Becky Kew shares good news at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. BeckyKew@