"Same Old" or New?

Have you ever bumped into someone and asked them, "What's new?"

Maybe they replied, "Same old, same old."

Maybe you have felt bored with life to the point where you were tired of waking up every morning, doing the same routine and looking at the same face in the mirror every day.

If this is your experience, I would love to remind you of some amazing facts. You are living at this moment among seven billion people. Every day, 155000 people young and old die from various causes; and it was no accident that these people lived and died. God gave them a moment on this earth, in light of eternity to make their imprint on this world.

Far more importantly, God has also given you this very small window of time called life to know Him and His great purpose for you! God's Word says, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22, ESV). The same writer also said, "The Lord is my portion . . . therefore I will hope in him" (v. 24, ESV).

The man who wrote these words was enjoying God's new gifts to him every morning. Are you? His trust was in the Lord; His eyes were on His God and His promises. He wasn't focusing on his circumstances but rather on the one who "works all things according to the counsel of His own will" (Ephesians 1:11).

What about you? Are you focusing on God's great promises, or is your life only centered on this world and what you can get out of it? If this is the case, life will only be "the same old" over and over, and you will be living far below the standard that God created you for.

If your purpose isn't rooted in who God is and His will for you, life will be empty and yes, even boring. At this moment might I remind you that you are valuable in Gods sight and that you have great purpose!

What is your purpose? In our hearts, we need to realize that the here and now is not all that there is. God is concerned with restoring the meaning of life to us, He has put eternity in our hearts-there is more to life than what we see (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Because of our sin, the most important part of life-having a relationship with God-has been broken.

We are dead spiritually before God, and only the Savior can make us alive on the inside and give us new spiritual life. This new quality of life, which lasts forever, is found through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. He bore your sins in His own body at the cross. He is the One who can bring you to God and make you fit to meet God!

Apart from the salvation that Jesus offers, we will die in our sins and face God's eternal judgment (John 8:24). In order to get all that you can get from life, you need to have new life in you! God's Word teaches that if you believe Christ as your Savior, you are a new person and life will never be the same again. (2 Corinthians 5:17).

New hope comes to the soul that has been born again, a new future can be yours and the old, dark past can be washed away forever! Having your sins forgiven and receiving God's Spirit into your life takes but a moment, but the results of entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord will change your life forever!

You only have one life to live and it will soon be past, only what you do for Christ will last! The one who has the Son has this eternal life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have this life. I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. Confess to God that you have fallen short of His standard for you, and that you need His new life today! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).

Becky Kew shares good news at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. BeckyKew@ outlook.com.