Visiting the Father

Series: Book Excerpt | Story 1

I wanted to have a better relationship with God. So, I started using my imagination because scripture tells us to think of those things which are above.

I imagined myself going before the gates of Heaven and knocking. The gates opened and I went through them with thanksgiving, as Psalm 100 says, and through His courts with praise. Then, after that, I would run into the throne room and go and sit on the Father's lap. The first time I sat and stroked his beard and then I kissed His face. I scampered down and said, "Thank you. I'm going now."

I heard Him say, "Come again soon."

Sometimes I imagined myself climbing all over Him as my grandchildren sometimes did to me. I would cling to Him as He would take me for a walk with me on His back. Isn't it wonderful to have a Father like Him? He is so awesome. In His presence and in my mind, I am His child.

Sometimes I would just sit and listen for His heartbeat. Lately, I go and sit on His lap to nap, as I am sometimes worn out. I lean against Him and fall asleep.

I notice, when I am in His presence, I get really relaxed because His presence is so peaceful. It permeates me. I know, for some, His presence is one of power because of their task of healing and spreading the Word.

But just the other day, I experienced that peaceful presence of God when I had prostrated myself on the floor to say a prayer.

I was so relaxed I didn't want to get off the floor. So, I told the Lord, "I'm just going stay here on the floor and enjoy Your presence." Eventually, though, I had to get up.

I wanted that same relationship with Jesus. So, in the time leading up to Christmas, I would imagine myself being out in the field with the shepherds, watching their sheep.

Then the angel appeared to them and told them about the birth of Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem. They were filled with joy and they left, and I followed them. We found Jesus in the manger and Mary beside Him. Joseph is there and the lowing cattle, as the Christmas carol goes.

I edged closer to look at Jesus and His sweet little baby face. I asked Mary if I could hold Jesus for just a minute, and she picked Him up and held Him out to me. I picked up Jesus and held Him close and I whispered, "I love you, sweet Jesus." I kiss His little head and give Him back to Mary.

After that I noticed a difference in my attitude toward Jesus. He was precious and still is. He has my heart.

You can use your imagination to bring alive your relationship with Him. You can read scriptures and imagine being in the crowd when He preached.

On December 21, 2020, I phoned most of my family members to tell them that the planets Saturn and Jupiter were going to line up on that day. We were visiting Winnipeg and couldn't see anything in our area; clouds covered much of the sky.

I texted my granddaughters, Danielle and Hailey, to watch out for the Christmas Star, but they were already alert to it and didn't need my encouragement. They were anticipating its appearance. Danielle texted me, "It's cloudy but we've seen how bright it is through the clouds."

Sometime in the night, I awoke and realized she received the faith to believe in its appearance. So, I texted her, "God is blessing you with a strong faith, the same that came to those three wise men as they followed it to Jesus. They had faith!"

I didn't get a response from her except a "Merry Christmas" on Thursday (December 24).

But Friday, she texted, "How do I pray for someone?" She said that a relative had hung himself the day before and was at St. Boniface hospital on a ventilator. His brain was being monitored for swelling. She wanted to pray that he could pull through.

I texted back, including the words from Matthew 18:20: "Pray with Hailey. There's power when more than one prays. Jesus said, 'For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.' I will also include him in my prayers. That makes three of us!"

Saturday morning, she texted, "Prayers are powerful. Last night the second CT scan revealed that his brain swelling is improving, and there's no brain damage. But he'll be in the hospital for a while."

So, I texted, "Yes, thank Jesus and keep praying for him. You had the faith of the Magi when you sought out the Lord's help. Can't help putting in those old wise men. Keep your faith no matter what circumstances you encounter in the future. We also are on a journey here on earth like they were."

This Christmas miracle came with the Christmas Star to those who believed.

Brenda Fontaine, a retired Cree Language teacher has just released Father, My Father through Goldrock Press. This excerpt is from that book. It includes her personal collection of poems, stories and teachings she would like to pass on to future generations. Her other books published by Goldrock Press include two children's Cree picture books, that highlight words and phrases in the Cree language.