Two kinds of people

Did you know that there are only two kinds of people on planet earth; two kinds of people that really matter? No it isn't white or brown people, rich or poor people; or even old or young people. God doesn't define us primarily as being healthy or sick or even happy or sad. Even though He is intensely interested in every part of our individual lives, the whole world is divided into two classes of people, God sees us in a way told in the scriptures.

When God looks at us, He either sees us in Jesus or outside of Jesus. He sees us as being forgiven or not forgiven. Another way of saying it is that He sees us as either being saved or lost.

These two types of positions have far more importance than any temporary positions listed above. A person can be young, rich and healthy and still be in the greatest danger ever. A person can also be sick, poor and old and be the best position ever.

How do I know these things? Scripture teaches that, "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son does not have life" (1 John 5:12–13). Scripture states that we need to be born into God's family. This is a spiritual birth that happens when we place our faith in Christ as our Savior (John 1:12, 3:3).

We were born physically in this world from our mother. Along with this birth came a sinful nature that becomes obvious as soon as we are old enough to disobey (Romans 5:12). When we are born again spiritually through faith in Christ, we get a new nature from God. The Holy Spirit gives us power to live a new, pleasing way with God.

In our own flesh, without the new birth, we cannot please God (John 3: 6, Romans 8: 8). Without Christ as our Savior we remain condemned, guilty, and without strength to save ourselves (Ephesians 2:12). The Lord Jesus Christ is God's remedy for our fallen, lost condition! With Christ we are rich, accepted, forgiven and have a great inheritance that can never be taken away (Ephesians 1)!

Don't let your temporary state define you. The color of your skin, your financial status or even your health isn't really what is most important in God's sight. Your relationship to Him is! Seek Him first, make sure you are saved and He will take care of the rest of your life. He promises it (Matthew 6:33)! He loves you and it's only by His work at the cross that you can be made new, forgiven and a child of God. He does not save us by our works of righteousness, but by His blood shed at the cross as the only sacrifice acceptable to take away our sins (Titus 3:5).

Come to Him today. He will not turn you away (Matthew 11:28).

Becky Kew shares Good News at Sandy Bay First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.

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