Passport Plight

My Canadian passport expired in July of this year. I picked up a form to reapply and hurriedly sat down to fill out the necessary information. I was about to fold the application and slide it into the envelope when I noticed the box that had my signature had a small statement underneath directing that the signature had to be contained within the box.

My signature wasn't. The letter "y" in my name was outside of the perimeter.

Sighing, I realized that I had to pick up another form and write out all of the information again. I know the government means business! Such a process, when it seemed like there were so many other more important things to do.

A couple of days later, I wrote out a check to send along with the new application. I was looking forward to crossing the border into the United States in the future and enjoying some sights and rest.

Three weeks later, my passport came back with a note that the passport office would not accept personal checks. I needed to send a money order or visa number. Somehow I missed those specific instructions and had to reapply again.

Three weeks later, my new passport arrived in the mail. I was very relieved that I got it right this time!

As I look back on the whole situation, I was reminded of so many spiritual truths. We tend to treat Heaven this way. We assume we are going, and we don't really take too much time to consider what God has to say about it. I assumed my check would be accepted, and I assumed that I had written everything out correctly.

I was wrong both times. I didn't read the fine print.

God's Word contains very specific instruction and information that we need for this life and the next. God speaks of only two eternal destinies in the Bible: Heaven forever with God, in a place of peace forever more or Hell without hope, and no peace forever and ever (1 John 5:12-13).

Each one of us needs to make sure we are on the right path that leads to Heaven. You begin walking that path with your Creator the moment you accept His Son as your sacrifice for your sins. Until then, we are separated from God by a huge wall of sin that only the Savior, Jesus Christ, can remove.

There are only two paths in this life. God's Word speaks of a broad path that many are on, that leads to destruction. His Word also speaks of a narrow path that leads to life eternal (Matthew 7:13-14). Jesus is the door to eternal life; He can put you on the narrow path that leads to Heaven because He paid the price for your sins. His love for you is that big! Jesus says, "I am the door, if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved" (John 10:9).

Thankfully, while we have breath in our bodies, God is a God of second chances. But He also has the final say. His authority is much greater than the Canadian government!

I lost a lot of time trying to get a new passport, but I finally got it right. As sinners, we can waste a lot of time seeking to live our own way and enjoying what we think is our purpose without even considering what God has for us.

The Bible says, "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death" (Proverbs 16:25, NLT). He is the One who made us and gives us breath in our bodies and who will one day take it away.

God specifically loves you and wants you to come to Him acknowledging your willingness to walk His path, so that He can open up Heaven's door for you (Isaiah1:18). Those who take God at His Word have peace in this life, and a Heavenly Father who will be there for them and never leave them (John 14:27).

Your eternal destiny is at stake. Please don't take the same attitude towards life and the God of the Bible as I did with regards to my passport application. Jesus is the passport to Heaven and the passport to a brand new life here on earth! "But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).

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