Healing the Heart through Dealing with Anxiety

Over the past year I have been dealing with an unexpected problem in my life. As far as my role as husband, father, pastor, Bible teacher, and student is concerned I am very happy. There are so many people that I love and there are so many people that love me. Life is good! God is good! Family and friends are good! Church is good!

Yet, there have been times when I have struggled with anxiety to the point of having short panic attacks. Now before I go any further let's read the sacred word of Creator God and see what the spiritual leader Paul has to say about anxiety.

In the Jesus book in Philippians 4: 4-7, Paul says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

As a follower of Jesus, especially being a spiritual leader, how can I say I struggle with anxiety? The Jesus book, the Bible, says don't be anxious about anything! It says rejoice all the time! The Jesus book says to pray about everything. When a person does this they will experience peace. So, what is the problem?

The problem is that we are all people who still struggle with the same issues that everyone else struggles with. Just because you are a follower of Jesus doesn't mean that you will not get sick, or lose a job, or you will not have a child turn to drugs. And it doesn't mean you won't get into a car accident or be broke a few days before payday. It doesn't mean you won't struggle with heart issues or it doesn't mean you won't get cancer and die before you reach 60. Being a follower of Jesus means you will rejoice, even when life is hard and doesn't make sense.

We as Indigenous people have gone through a lot of heartache and pain. All people, regardless of their nationality go through hardships all the time, but with Jesus in our hearts it gets a bit easier. Jesus is the one who will help us out. Here is one of the ways I have received insight and help with my anxiety.

Keeping in mind that we are to pray and rejoice when we are feeling anxious, I started to rejoice and pray for help and God answered that prayer by leading me to a counselor who is a Jesus follower. When we talk it's like a sharing circle. He lets me just talk and gives little feedback unless I ask for it.

A few of the learning lessons that I have been working on suggest that when dealing with anxiety I'm not to try to control it, manage it, struggle with it, avoid it or try to get rid of it. In other words, when dealing with anxiety I am not to engage in the struggle, because when I do so, it just gets worse.

Any people who struggle with anxiety will avoid certain situations because they are afraid it will trigger a panic attack. Many people will try to control it through medications or self-help books. The list goes on and on.

I had a breakthrough which I shared with my counselor. I said that as I learned what not to do with anxiety-not to control, avoid, manage it or struggle with it or try to get rid of it, I have noticed that what I have done with anxiety over the past year has shown me, for the first time, that this is how I have treated people in my life that I feel have caused me anxiety.

I have been guilty at times of avoiding people or trying to get rid of them when I felt anxious around them. When I had people in my life that caused me anxiety I would try to struggle with them or control them or try to manage them. Yet, we all know that this never works out well. It almost always ends in more frustration. You might end up saying or doing something you'll regret.

As a follower of Jesus, I am still learning to cope with anxiety in my life; I have also learned to rejoice in the help that is out there and to pray about my anxiety issues on a regular basis.

esus is there to help me and I believe part of that command to rejoice always is to keep moving forward. Get whatever helps are out there and don't have a pity party by stopping the movement of your journey. You too can heal your heart by dealing with anxiety and get whatever professional help you can.

Look to Jesus. He is the one who will give you peace and He'll use other people to lead you to peace as well. Heal your troubled heart by dealing with your anxiety.

Parry Stelter is originally from Alexander First Nation and is founder of Word of Hope Ministries and lives in Edmonton, Alberta. http://www.wordofhopeministries.ca