My Wind Song for today

There isn't anything that can clear my mind better than a walk along the lake, "Beside My Still Waters". Today I needed to go for one of those walks. Without realizing it, some days I get so wrapped up in worrying 'way off into the future...mine...over which I have very little control other than trying my best each day. The rest is mostly out of my hands. That could be 'scary' or it could be a relief, depending on one's outlook. I think I probably fall into the category of: 'a little of both'.

Today is a bleak and windy day but still beautiful. I expected the lake to be choppy and rough with waves but it wasn't. It was mostly calm, yet so alive and vibrant. Timeless. Just what I needed.

It is always right where I left it. It always has a message for me. So does the wind which sang to me as it swirled around my head, blowing my hair into my face and whipping my notebook pages around.

I decided to put my camera and paper into my bag and just listen. I zipped up my hood, shut off my phone, slowly walked along  to a clump of trees and softly the wind settled into a beautiful song that became: MY WIND SONG FOR TODAY

I heard a lovely Wind Song... While listening by the shore

A heartfelt haunting melody...That made my spirit soar!

It understood my sadness...Lost dreams that still run deep

The ones that even through the night...Wander as I sleep.

My Wind Song wrapped around me...I didn't mind the chill

It lulled my restless mood today...The memory with me still.

I gave myself those moments...Head tilted to the sky

The wind so fresh against my lips...Made me smile instead of cry.

Because Wind Song reminded me...Of the joys that I have known

The seeds of love and laughter too...That carefully I've sown.

How is it Wind Song helped my quest...I needed now to know

It's not too late to dream new dreams...There's time for them to grow.

Hold not regret... Or waste the hour, over what might next appear

Embrace today, set a new goal...The moments are right here.

The wind that causes angry seas...Waves crashing to the shore...

Also sings a lullaby...To comfort and restore.

Thank you Wind Song...I won't forget.