First woman Grand Chief for the MKO

WINNIPEG, MB-On Wednesday, September 2, 2015, Sheila North Wilson became the first woman Grand Chief of the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO).

A former television journalist with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the CTV Network, she defeated not only incumbent MKO Grand Chief David Harper but also William Elvis Thomas from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.

North Wilson is a member of the Bunibonibee First Nation. She is married to Rob Wilson, whose known professionally as Grammy nominated rapper Fresh I.E.

For a short time, North Wilson served as public relations officer for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. She also worked at NCI FM Radio as an announcer after graduating from the Academy of Broadcasting in Winnipeg. She also graduated from the Red River College Creative Communications program.

She had a recording project dedicated to suicide prevention.

Grand Chief North Wilson is the first grand chief of the chiefs' northern representative organization in its 34-year history.