YEEHAW! Miss Indian Rodeo

Interview by Dawn Karima

Miss Indian Rodeo is a role model of spirit and service! Dedicated to her strong faith, she spends much of her time helping others and honoring elders in her community. As Miss Indian Rodeo, Devalyn Crowe is a dynamic cowgirl and queen!

DK: Congratulations on winning Miss Indian Rodeo! We are thrilled to visit with you!

MIR: Hello, my name is Devalyn Crowe! I am 20 and I reside on the Yakima reservation, where I was born and raised. My parents are Michelle Trevino and Billy Frazier. My grandparents are Sandra Kiona and the late Mike Crowe and Hellen and the late Gene Barnett. My great grandparents are the late Tilly and Nelson Moses and the late Katie Crowe. I am currently on a break from school and will start back up next semester for massage therapy.

DK: It's great that you are pursuing your education, but I sense that your culture is a big part of your life as well. Will you tell us about your heritage? I know we both share a love for Cherokee, NC, which is my home....

MIR: I am an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina, and a descendant of the Yakama Reservation. I volunteer at the Topenish Creek longhouse where I join in line to be a food gatherer for the home and for my elders that can't go up. Not only am I in line to gather roots and berries, I also am a hunter.

DK: Wonderful! I always believe that serving others is the very most fun there is! Do your beliefs guide your life and your conduct as Miss Indian Rodeo?

MIR: They help guide me, because no matter what I do, I keep our ways in my mind.

DK: A blessing! Are there other ways that you walk out your traditional ways? Are powwows important in your life?

MIR: On my down time, I attend powwows and I have family that attends powwows. I also help with our New Year's Celebration Powwow. I try to participate in whatever cultural events that I can when I'm not doing rodeo.

DK: Great! Was winning Miss Indian Rodeo a dream come true for you?

MIR: When I won it was very exciting! I kinda didn't know what to do. Finally, it set in all that my hard work paid off and dreams do come true, if you work towards them. I ran last year and didn't do so good but was determined to run again and I'm glad I did. It has been a great experience I wouldn't change.

DK: Congrats! I'm sure you are having a lot of exciting experiences! Care to share?

MIR: Some experience of holding this title would be traveling to as many rodeos and events as I can and getting to meet lots of new people. And being able to represent not only myself and family but both Miss Indian Rodeo and INFR [Miss Indian Rodeo and Indian Federation Rodeo] committees throughout the United States and Canada. Throughout my reign, my goals are to represent MIR and INFR committees to the best of my abilities and to always stay humble.

DK: Sounds very wise! What do you hope for the future?

MIR: After my reign, I hope to finish school for massage therapy until I find another title or goal to reach.

DK: Good for you! So in the midst of your own ambition, take a minute to give some advice to others who are striving to accomplish their own goals?

MIR: Some advice I give to someone starting out in pageants or powwows is don't be afraid! Please just be yourself! Always remember who you are and where you come from! And always keep a smile on your face no matter what happens! And never give up and always reach for the stars!

DK: Thank you and have a great year!

MIR: Thank you and hope to see you all somewhere down the road!