Letters from Our Readers


I wish to convey a sincere “Thank You” to all the staff there at Indian Life. Your publication has helped renew hope to a lost spirit. I received an old copy of your newspaper and it was the first time I ever saw it and I’m glad I read it.

—D.G., Indiana


Indian Life has brought me spiritually closer to God and has given me more of an understanding about Native North America. I did not know of the existing matters that have been taking place with the Indigenous People of the land.

I have lived on an Indian reservation in New Mexico in order to retain my Indigenous roots and lost culture. I am not from a recognized tribe of the Southwest. I am a brother learning from different tribes that was helpful to me and the gathering.

I am pleased to hear that Washington and Oregon states passed the legislation for Indigenous Peoples Day and for the rest of the nation to observe the many struggles and suffering Indigenous People have gone through to the present day.

—J.A., Connecticut


I was lucky enough to receive an issue of your wonderfully written newspaper. I clipped out quite a few articles and copied quotes and information to keep.

And now I am writing you in the middle of my very heavy depression and a lot of PTSD leftovers. I did pray the prayer you wrote. Thank you. I would like to know if you have other inmates who would like to correspond—ones who already also pray. I’m going through this incarceration all by myself and really could use some positive correspondence.

—K.C., Vermont