Paid in Full

Have you ever been in debt? Maybe you’re in debt now.

I can remember my first financial loan I received to pay for two years of post secondary education. “The huge debt was always on my mind, as I longed to be free of it. Ten years later, after much hard work my load was “paid off.” The burden of debt can be very stressful to bear!

People in the world work hard to pay off homes, cars and all sort of things, seeking the ultimate goal of being debt free, ideally with a lofty savings account. They tragically fail to acknowledge the biggest debt of all, which is an insurmountable debt to God for not keeping His Word.

No mega salary can “pay off” a load of sin which every person has incurred. Romans 3:23 says that As earnest and as good living a person may be, the “pay off” for sin is death and if we die with our debt of sins, the “pay off” is eternal separation from God.” But, praise God, His gift is eternal life for whoever will take Christ as Lord and Savior! (Romans 6:23) You don’t have to carry the heavy weight of guilt, shame and fear any longer”. Christ paid for your debt of sins against a holy God at the cross so that you can be free of debt and escape judgment from the ultimate Judge of the earth, whom we will all meet.

The Bible says we must prepare to meet God. Are you ready? There is a man in God’s Word that the Lord Jesus spoke about. He had gained much wealth because of good crops. Instead of thanking God and living for Him, He decided to continue to please himself for the rest of his days. He stored up a lot of treasure on earth and it was time to take it easy he thought. God called him a fool. He would die that night and his riches could not go with him into eternity nor deliver him from the fearful judgment to come (See Luke chapter 12, verses 16-21).

I don’t know about you, but I would rather have the charge of sins that God has pronounced against me “paid in full” thanks to my Savior than to be carrying the greatest debt of all that no amount of earnest living and hard work could ever pay off.”

Our sins pollute every good deed. Without Christ as Savior there is none who are truly good nor can their good be accepted by God (Psalm 53).

“What does it profit any person if they should gain the whole world but lose their own soul?” (Mark 8:36) Becky works with the youth of Sandy Bay.