Letters from Our Readers


Thank you for sending the Indian Life newspaper. I appreciate the cool Bible you’ve sent and Jesus is shining in my life.

I’m feeling better with myself although my family still hasn’t written to me yet. I ask Jesus to look after them in my daily prayers. I also ask Jesus to look after my two kids and their families. Every morning I wake up within these walls and I ask Jesus to come into my life and show me the path that He wants me to follow. The booklet (Choosing the Creator’s Path) is a lot of help understanding why I’m in here and how I can make a better life when it’s time for me to get back into society. I want so much a change in my life.

I’m 49 years old and half of my life has been in and out of the court system. This is actually my first time in prison and by the looks of it, I’ll be heading to the Pen sometime in the future.

I ask Jesus to look after me while I’m in there. I’m kinda worried and don’t know what to expect because I’ve never been in a place like that.

I’d like to ask some prayers that Jesus looks after me so nothing bad happens to me.

—K.B., Saskatchewan


You have always kept my spirits up. Your letters and stories in Indian Life have kept me going. Between your letters and the stories by Becky Kew, I have a growing desire to build a strong prison ministry to those in Utah and seeing the injustices here, bring issues to the people of Utah to force change in the so-called justice system.

In January-February issue, several things came about for me. First, the story by Jeff DeContie. His story reminded me of the long years I wasted, not accepting Jesus, even though, I talked to God on various occasions.

I have made friends with a lad here (27) who was born in Alaska. We got to talk about how important it is for us to know our past, even if he is not interested (still angry). I was able to share Indian Life with him. It was monumental in helping a lad.

Thank you Indian Life for giving me the same education. I pray he learns with me, of the importance of Christianity….

—A. J. H, Utah

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