What my dryer’s filter taught me

It has been a little over a year and a half since God made it possible for me to own my first home. I have had lots of learning experiences during this time.

In the last few weeks, I noticed that my dryer was not doing its job very well. It was taking forever to dry my clothes and it always felt very hot after it had been on for just a short while. I always cleaned out the lint filter just inside the door but just couldn’t figure out what was keeping my dryer from running effectively.

After a couple of weeks, I felt so frustrated I finally posted a status on Facebook. Instantly I received comments that gave me the help I needed.

I was told to go outside and check the vent that was attached to the dryer. When I did, I found that the filter screen was packed to the hilt with lint and junk and there was no way for the exhaust from the dryer to be released. If it stayed like that much longer I am sure my dryer would have been ruined as well as possibly my home if a fire had started. The filter was failing miserably at trying to handle a year and a half’s worth of junk on its own. I had also failed miserably at being a responsible home owner. I had never done my homework regarding these types of things.

After I had cleaned everything out and checked to make sure my dryer was running properly, I began to think: This is how some people live their lives, carrying junk for years and years, living on the edge of evil and separated from God (Isaiah 59:2).

Could this be you? Do you live day to day with the guilt of your sins, grief, shame and fear on your shoulders? Are these things becoming such a burden that you cannot bear them anymore (Matthew 11:28)? As you know, our sins prevent us from living a life that God has intended us to live. You and I need cleansing, just like my filter did. Without the cleansing, we cannot stand before a holy God and be accepted. Has your sin brought you to the point of understanding that you deserve God’s punishment because you have wandered far away from Him? Have you done your homework concerning God’s way of salvation (Acts 4:12)? His Word gives the help that you need for your life (Psalm 119:130).

Many people invent various “filters” to try to keep looking clean, but really God sees the heart and He says that the soul that sins, shall die (Ezekiel 18:4). The only one who can cleanse us from our guilt and give us the power to live a clean life for God is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ loves you and gave Himself for you (Galatians 2:20)! We cannot clean ourselves for Him, just as my filter could not clean itself. It was powerless and so are we (Romans 5:6).

Please don’t continue to live with your dirty junk. Turn to Christ in simple faith and acknowledge your need and guilt. He will do the work that is needed to save your soul and your very life. Salvation is of the Lord (John 5:24; Jonah 2:9).

Becky Kew can be reached at Beckykew@hotmail.com for comments or questions.